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Make Smarter
In Web3

Try Staircase for Founders

Intelligent Web3 Deal Discovery
with Staircase

Tired of drowning in a sea of pitches? It's time to navigate through the noise and spot the diamonds in the rough.

Beads and linesAn investment dashboard with video preview at the bottom right.

Investors From

Monad BlockchainPolygon BlockchainSolana BlockchainSubsquid BlockchainMina BlockchainOptimism BlockchainArbitrum BlockchainEthereum BlockchainBase Blockchain

Fuel your innovation

Connect With


Smart Investors


Collaborative Partners


Web3 Ecosystems

Revolutionizing Deal Discovery with AI Technology

Streamlined Investment
Opportunities with Staircase

features backDashboard showing cryptocurrency transactions

Effortless Deal Discovery

Escape the endless pitches and discover pre-vetted, high-potential deals curated by AI. Focus on truly promising opportunities in Web3.

Data-Driven Decisions

Gain in-depth deal analysis and insights with AI, allowing you to invest with confidence. Make informed decisions backed by powerful intelligence.

Never Miss a Gem

Get personalized deal recommendations based on your investment criteria and risk appetite. Ensure you see the most relevant opportunities in Web3.

Invest Like the Pros

See where notable investors are backing projects. Leverage their expertise to identify the hottest opportunities and maximize your returns.

All Web3 Deals, One Platform

Track and manage all your investment interests in a single location. Remain at the forefront of Web3 investment opportunities.

Stay Ahead of the Curve

Be an early adopter and collaborate with groundbreaking projects shaping the future of Web3.

Drowning in Pitches, Starving for Gems? Escape
the Web3 Deal Deluge with Staircase.

Filter Out the Noise

Ditch the endless pitches and focus on pre-vetted, high-potential deals curated by us and AI. We meticulously analyze projects to ensure they meet specific criteria, saving you valuable time and effort.

Ecosystem Expertise

Invest within your niche. Staircase allows you to filter deals based on the Web3 ecosystem they operate in (e.g., Avalanche, Solana, Polygon). Find the most promising opportunities within your area of expertise.

Focus on What Matters

Gain in-depth deal analysis and clear summaries powered by AI. Effortlessly understand complex projects and make data-driven investment decisions with confidence.

Mobile app showing documents

Don't Miss Out on the Next Unicorn:
Be in the Know with Staircase

Staircase shows you where top investors are putting money, so you can join the action.


Follow the Smart Money

Gain real-time insights into where notable investors are backing projects. See what's piquing their interest and capitalize on these valuable signals.
